Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Is Costa Rica the ideal country for you?

Well, it all depends in who you are if you are a Canadian or European or an American, and you do not know any Spanish, and you want to retire in Costa Rica you are bound to get into trouble soon or later, why? Let me explain why. Since you do not know the language, and you don’t know your way around you will become an easy target for those people who think you are rich just because you are from overseas.

Costa Rica is a very green and beautiful country. Geographically speaking all the beaches the mountings and rives would make anyone fall in love with the place. However, we have to recognize this place is not for everyone. You will have to put up with a lot of baloney to make it here.

It might be too that we might be too spoiled… either way it will take some time to get used to the way of life here.

If you have the money, it might not be too bad. You will be able to afford a nice house. Some of these nice places; American styles are worth just as much as you would pay in the US. If you want to have space, nice rooms with walking closets, you will certainly have to pay for it.

Don’t think you will get paradise for cheap here, don’t be naïve thinking you will not have any challenges, especially if you do not know Spanish at all. When God gave paradise to Adam and Eve, it was free and the place was like a national park, it was spectacular no place like it, it was so huge that three rives ran through it.
All thought Costa Rica is an amazing place to visit it is not paradise, and you will not always get the five start treatment God gave his first children.  Unless, you are Bill Gates, and they can kiss up to you.

Ouch! It sounds like you are bitter... you might say. I understand your argument. However, I strongly believe that you can’t be bitter and better at the same time.

So if you decide to ever move down to Costa Rica please analyze all the pros and cons it will make it easier in the long run.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Earthquake 7.6 in Costa Rica

Have you experienced an earthquake? Can you forget your experience? The terrifying feeling of been in an earthquake is something that will stay with you forever. A week ago, we experienced an earthquake here in Costa Rica of 7.6 degrees on the Richter scale. It occurred in Costa Rica on Wednesday 5 September this year 2012.

The quake occurred at 08:42 (UTC -6), with its epicenter at 8 kilometers from the town of Samara, on the Nicoya Peninsula, while in Guanacaste had a depth of 20 kilometers. It generated a tsunami alert for the failed American territories bordering the Pacific Ocean as the Volcanological and Seismological Observatory of Costa Rica.

From the day of the earthquake, we had over 1000 aftershocks according to the Volcanological Observatory of Costa Rica.

All the Cars and house moving like jelly. Unfortunately, I had no way to record video while the earthquake was happening, but what I can tell you is that at that those who do not believe in God cease to be atheists.

Nothing is as important as life when you feel the earth is about to open the mouth and swallow you alive. Nothing can be worse than that.

A man identified as Alexandre related his experience: "It was terrible. I could not run; I couldn't move at all, because the earth movement was so strong that it was just impossible for us. The refrigerator slide from one place to another. It was bad... I hear a scandal, people screamed in terror."

This other statement was released by the media it shows the tremendous shock: "I felt it very strong; we ran. We feared that the house would fall on top of us," said a villager of Nicoya. Another person at the site said: "We were in the pool. There was a wave within the pool, we did our best to get out."

The only fatality associated with the earthquake is a 55-year-old woman who died of a heart attack caused by the shock, and authorities said there were no people with serious injuries.

Since I have been in Costa Rica have experienced many strong feelings from anger at being robbed to fear of losing my life in an earthquake the truth is that in this country, many things happen that are out of control and that's what make it difficult to live here.

Terremoto en COSTA RICA

Haz experimentado un terremoto? Puede olvidar su experiencia? El aterrador sentimiento que produce un terremoto es algo que se queda con uno toda la vida. Hace una semana experimentamos un terremoto aquí en Costa Rica de 7,6 grados en la escala abierta de Richter ocurrido en Costa Rica el miércoles 5 de septiembre de este ano 2012.

El temblor ocurrió a las 08:42 (UTC -6), con epicentro a 8 kilómetros de la localidad de Sámara, en la península de Nicoya, mientras que en Guanacaste tuvo una profundidad de 20 kilómetros. Generó una alerta fallida de tsunami para los territorios americanos que limitan con el océano Pacífico según el Observatorio Vulcanológico y Sismológico de Costa Rica.

Desde el día del terremoto se han reportado más de 1000 réplicas, en lo que llevamos desde el evento principal el miércoles anterior, con epicentro en la península de Nicoya. de acuerdo con el Observatorio Vulcanológico de Costa Rica.

Los carros y las casa se movían como gelatina. Lamentablemente no tuve manera de grabar el terremoto en video mientras acontecía, pero lo que si les puedo decir es que en ese momento hasta los que no creen en Dios dejan de ser ateos. Nada es tan importante como la vida cuando sientes que la tierra esta apunto de abrir su boca y tragarte vivo.

Un señor identificado como Alexandre contó: "Fue terrible. No podíamos correr, no podíamos dar el paso, porque el movimiento era tan fuerte que nos imposibilitaba. La refrigeradora se corrió de un lugar a otro. Oímos un escándalo, la gente gritaba de terror".

Declaraciones difundidas por los medios daban cuenta del tremendo susto: "Lo sentimos muy fuerte, salimos corriendo, temíamos de que la casa nos cayera encima", dijo una pobladora de Nicoya. "Estábamos en la piscina. Se formó una ola dentro", afirmó nerviosa una turista en la zona de Pinilla, a 30 km del epicentro.

Según se ha informado la única víctima mortal asociada al temblor es una mujer de 55 años fallecida a causa de un infarto por el susto, y según las autoridades no se registraron personas con graves heridas.

Desde que he estado en Costa Rica he experimentado muchos sentimientos muy fuertes desde rabia por ser víctima de un robo hasta temor de perder mi vida en un terremoto la verdad es que en este país suceden muchas cosas que se salen de las manos y eso es lo mas difícil de vivir aquí.

Monday, September 10, 2012


There is nothing better in the world than eating while you are hungry you might say. However, if we sit down to eat something delicious ravenously hungry, then the experience becomes unforgettable. That's what happened to me last Sunday.

My cousin invited us to a place called Miramar about an hour from San Jose. Miramar is located in the center of Montes de Oro, bordered to the north by the district of La Union and south to San Isidro. West borders the central canton of Puntarenas, and on the east by the counties of San Ramon Esparza and Alajuela.

When we arrived at this little restaurant called
LA BETA DE ORO, I had no expectation about food. I just knew I was very hungry. The owner is a gentleman named Luis Eduardo Valderrama from Colombia. He was very nice he personally attended our ordered. With every beer, I got a small cocktail sample of ceviche. It was very rich. It was just amazing! It was not only the flavor; I enjoyed the service as well.

In my time in Costa Rica this has been the best customer service I have experienced. I beg you to put this little restaurant in your to-do list.

The experience did not end there ... My wife ordered an Arroz con Pollo, which is chicken mix with rice very well done; it was rich in flavor. When my cousin got his meal he let me try the green banana basket's Creamy Shrimp.

It just melted in my mouth, I think this might be the best delicacy made in this small restaurant. If you ask me, I would recommend it without hesitation. The baskets are made of fried banana and within high-quality shrimp in a delicious butter cream. The truth is that although my rice with chicken was very good, I regretted not having ordered the green banana basket with shrimp.

It was one of my best experiences in Costa Rica in a matter of restaurants. It is worth the run from anywhere in the country to try this delicious dish.

1 green plantain
400g of baby shrimp, peeled and deveined
1 medium onion, chopped
1 large tomato, chopped
¼ cup white wine
3 tablespoons heavy cream
¼ teaspoon cayenne pepper or a little more to taste (is picantita)
¼ tsp smoked paprika
Juice of half a lemon
Cornstarch to thicken
Salt and pepper to taste
Chives for garnish

For banana baskets, shred the thick banana (yes, raw), salt pans and use pimenté cupcakes to train. Place first layer of PAM (cooking spray), place the grated plantain until the edges being sure not to leave big holes and when finished put some more of PAM. Bake at 350 F until golden.

When browned, remove from oven and pan and cool because as this happens to be more severe.

Meanwhile make the filling: Place a little PAM and saute onion and tomato, when the tomato is destroyed, add the wine and reduce.
Add shrimp, cayenne pepper, paprika and sweet cream. When the shrimps are cooked, thicken with cornstarch dissolved in a little water. Adjust seasoning before serving and add the juice of half a lemon.