Tuesday, May 15, 2012

How to decide where to tavel

 It is usually very exciting to start searching for your final destination. You might even do plenty of research in Google, you might download many pictures. You might check for the country’s currency before you get there, it will be a good idea because you want to know how much you would be able to stretch your money.

So many people before they decide where to go check out the level of violence of the country the intent to visit. No one wants to get kill while they go on vacation. The US government has a website for this you might want to take a good look at it before you reach your final decision. http://travel.state.gov/

This web site is full of information that would be very helpful for you before you buy your airline tickets.

These are some of the main points you will be able to find in this website.

·         Country Description

·         Threats to Safety and Security

·         Crime

·         Victims of Crime

·         Criminal Penalties

·         Special Circumstances

·         Medical Insurance

·         Aviation Safety Oversight

·         Children's Issues

It was a great help when it came to deciding where to go. Our final destination was Costa Rica Centro America. I will talk a bit more about it soon.

Please let me know if this information was helpful to you.

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