Wednesday, June 6, 2012


When the True God Created the first man he placed him in a garden full of fruits. Why did he do that?... According to  Genesis, humans did not begin to eat meat until after the flood. So for more than two thousand years humans fed on fruits and vegetables.

Doctors and nutritionists alike, do not undermined the nutritional value of fruits. In fact, alternative medicine has something called "juice therapy." This type of therapy involves the mixing of certain vegetables and fruit. Many recognize that these mixtures of vegetable juices go beyond the detoxification of the body it actually encourages the body to heal itself.

It is common knowledge that fruits contain many vitamins, minerals and fiber that are essential for good health.

Here in Costa Rica there are a lot of fruits and vegetables. The different climates make this land the perfect place for growing a wide variety of fruits and vegetables.

The country is full of food, perhaps for this reason also called Costa Rica. Among the fruits that can be found here are: Pineapple, Orange, Papaya, Soursop, Tamarind, Grapefruit, Grapes, Strawberries, Carambola, Guava, Banana, Pear, Cashew, Melons, Mangos, plus a host of others.

The fruits are essential for good health and work to regulate your weight. HELPING you live a longer life.

Costa Rica is blessed to have a wide variety of fruits and vegetables.

Do you know a recipe with fruit and vegetables to improve good health? Please let me know.

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