Those who know the biblical account know that when Abraham allows his nephew Lot to choose which side of the land he wanted, the Bible says it was like the garden of Eden. Abraham's nephew Lot raised his eyes and saw the whole District of the Jordan, that all of it was a well-watered region before Jehovah brought Sod′om and Go·mor′rah to ruin, like the garden of Jehovah. (Ge 13:10.)
Can you imagine the beauty? Lots of fruit trees, a huge number of animals, beautiful forests, great climate. No doubt it was a land that was not only promised, but it was also a land that promised to rejoice the hearts of his people.
Costa Rica is a country that also is flowing with milk and honey. Many consider this small country in Central America as a paradise. Because it has very beautiful mountains and hills, has some spectacular rivers and lakes. In addition to being bathed by two seas.
Costa Rica is home to more than 500,000 species, representing nearly 4% of total species estimated worldwide, making Costa Rica one of the 20 countries with the highest biodiversity in the world. Of these 500,000 species, slightly more than 300,000 are insects.
The main difference between Costa Rica and Israel is that unfortunately Israel is a country that has suffered greatly because of wars and natural disasters. Things that have damaged and aged the country that was described in the Bible. On the other hand, Costa Rica has no army ... and had no natural disasters such as Israel so far.
Someone might asks Is Costa Rica is the Garden of Eden? Many think so, others do not agree so much. The truth is that no place on earth is like a Paradise nowadays. Everywhere you go you will see corruption and greed, and selfishness is everywhere... including Costa Rica.
All I know is that it that man will not be who managed to bring a paradise for humanity. Just as it is written: "Eye has not seen and ear has not heard, neither have there been conceived in the heart of man the things that God has prepared for those who love him". (1 Corinthians 2:9)
What is your opinion? Costa Rica is it the promised land of the 21st century?
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